Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Relay to Relay Radio: Wave 5

In this week's episode, we talk about how Samara might have altered the course of Earth's history, and then we accidentally engage in a Jessica Chobot/Diana Allers hate session. We share our first successful Gold run vs. Cerberus, Steph gives us an update about her sentry interface visor and Denise makes a pocket-sized Mordin.

On Galactic Action News 6, we have an update on the "Grunt of the Tank" figure, scale itch plagues the Citadel, and we reveal a very special clip from Francis Kitt's newest all-elcor performance.

Thank you again to everyone who commented on this blog, talked to us on twitter or sent us emails. You are awesome.

This time, we have a question for YOU--who did you pick for your squad on your final mission in Mass Effect 3, and why? Leave us a comment here, email us at relay2relay@gmail.com or tweet at us @Relay2Relay!

WARNING: As per usual, we spoil everything.

Relay 2 Relay Radio: Wave 5

Work-in-progress of Steph's sentry interface visor

Work-in-progress of Denise's Mordin mini-Munny


  1. Thanks for the shout out! I'm humbled.

    Funny you ask about whether I've played any Mass Effect music on the piano. I actually love the music that was used in one of the earlier trailers for ME3 (that had the choir in it) so much, that I figured it out on the piano. I was going to record it and post it to my YouTube channel, but it seemed like it needed a voice over or something added to it. I'm going to bug Angelo about that. :) (BTW the chords are: Gm-Eb-Bb-D)

    Final Squad Choices
    1st Playthrough (Soldier): Javik and Liara

    I romanced Tali so I didn't want to take her on the suicide mission. Liara was my biotic go to person. I just wanted to hear Javik dialogue everywhere. Ironically, the only mission I *didn't* bring Javik on was Thessia (which was remedied on my 2nd Playthrough).

    2nd Playthrough (Adept): James and Ashley

    After being so thoroughly beat down in that final sequence during my first playthrough, I brought out the big guns. Big Particle Guns, to be specific. Totally overpowered assault rifles. Marry that with James' Incendiary Ammo Explosions and Ashley's +40% AR damage and Marksman (firing rate) makes for ridiculous damage. With that combo, those two were taken down Banshees in seconds. About 7 seconds. It was easy mode.

  2. Love the show all, gets better every week.
    As far as who I took, I decided on the tried and true Garrus and Liara. I panicked soon after because I didn't want the mother of my children and their adopted uncle to be dead come games end, but turns out my lineage will just die on some planet covered in luscious green shrubs.
    I like to bring Liara because I feel like I'm showing off when I'm killing Cerberus left and right and heavy melee-ing all their asses.
    And Garrus, because why the hell wouldn't you? Whenever I decided I couldn't handle a banshee, he would snipe dat thing while I sat in cover and shot winks over at my lady. He goes beast mode all the time, enough said.

  3. Videogames: offending cultures since the begining of times. Don't get me started on Resident Evil 4 and the suposed spanish villagers who spoke in a mexican accent/way XD

    Yeah, I'd guess if you run someone through the keel they'd pretty much die...

    Phantoms are pretty awesome :D. But in my opinion they are really not THAT bad, I think Ravagers are more troublesome.

    In that weekend I played only silver cerberus until I had to do the gold run, and I did White/Geth since I had never played gold and I had to do it with randoms. And we succeded! Decoy and biotic explosions btw :D

    The sniper scope that let's you see through smoke sucks, I think it's bugy, because it doesn't always work

    4 Atlases -> Biotic explosions. You guys need to add an asari adept or a human sentinel to the roster to make thinks faster and less rocket expensive

    The salarian voice in Galatic News was awesome btw XD

    LOL Samara is the reason we all speak english instead of spanish? Being spanish, I have to thank Samara, since I like english a lot more. Yeah, I'm weird that way

    I think in the end EDI is so self aware that she could just be like any organic. I mean, she can make decisions, so she can decide to betray or help you. How's that different from any other squadmate you have? When the shackles were removed she had absolute control over herself (being able to rewrite anything that she didn't like) so, in my opinion, she became just like anyother organic and could decide what to do

    Yvonne Strahovski (Miranda) is not really a model, she's an actor mostly known for her role as Sarah Walker in Chuck (and I loved that show).

    And now, into the question. On the final mission I brought Liara and Kaidan. I'm a very practical person, and since I didn't know what was I walking into, I wanted to have all my bases covered power wise, and I wanted to be able to biotic explode everything, but since my main char is a Soldier (cryo ammo with CS with 100% dmg against frozen targets + disruptor ammo for shields), I had to bring 2 biotics. So I brought Liara because she has, stasis, singularity and warp and Kaidan because he has reave and overload. That way I could biotic explode stuff and have overload in case I needed it, and since I was a soldier I gave support fire with the AR and could snipe as needed. Black Widow + Adrenaline is just Amazing, btw.

  4. Okay and final assult?

    1st playthrough: Engineer

    Liara: need a biotic who wasn't a douche. also, been with me so long, just seemed right.
    Garrus: same feeling of camaraderie as Liara, plus there was this rumor that he was good with sniper rifles.

    2nd playthrough: Infiltrator

    Black Widow... I guess there were others too


    -Keil Hal

    Fun Fact: the blog comment area allows a maximum of ~4000 characters! The more you know!

  5. Okay and final assult?

    1st playthrough: Engineer

    Liara: need a biotic who wasn't a douche. also, been with me so long, just seemed right.
    Garrus: same feeling of camaraderie as Liara, plus there was this rumor that he was good with sniper rifles.

    2nd playthrough: Infiltrator

    Black Widow... I guess there were others too


    -Keil Hal

    Btw, sry 'bout the double post, this is not the most intuitive interface ever.

    1. aw, for crying out loud, it deleted my main post again! *sigh* I'll put it up later.

  6. This is the third time I’ve posted this. I really hope it makes it on the blog.
    Alright, I took notes this time so I apologize in advance for the long post. Look for the TLDR at the end!
    First off:
    Keel Hauling: Old maritime punishment in which a sailor is dragged under the hull of the ship. Though it often killed the crew member, it was only intended as a punishment. Executions were typically done through hanging, much simpler. I know this because of my degree in history and not at all because of Wikipedia. No siree bob.
    Keil Hal: Bastardization of my name "Kyle Holt" that I've kept around for a while. Impressed that your mind went there though! Thanks for the shout out!
    Curiously enough, I've always felt Cerberus was underrated in terms of difficulty because of their sheer range. The other enemies all have combatants that rely heavily on close range attacks. Cerberus, on the other hand, is constantly shooting from cover or harassing you regardless of how far away they are. Even the damned phantoms have a palm laser thing that kills me more often than their sword!
    On that note, the multiplayer in this game is much better than I expected, considering it was Bioware's first attempt. True, it has issues (loading times too frequent and long, no chat ID, matchmaking lackluster) but on the whole I really enjoy it! What's more, I think it's really improved the gameplay as a whole. I imagine the combat rolls, combo attacks, and better hotkey interface were added only after playing around with the multiplayer.
    I'd never heard about the cut Samara backstory but I'm rather glad they decided not to include it. Kinda went against what they said was the council's policy regarding mass relays. The humans had their initial fight with the turians for exploring mass relays so it'd seem odd that earth would have visitors after the Protheans.
    I'm also glad the Mordin/Grunt fight was cut. Unlike Miranda/Jack and Tali/Legion, Mordin and Grunt were hesitant about their stances. Mordin struggled with his justification for the genophage (ME3 proved that beyond a doubt) and Grunt took some time to feel connected to the krogan. Any conflict between the two would've felt forced.
    However, this does reflect the further evolution of Bioware's video game story-telling. One thing that really impressed me about ME3 and DA2 was the amount of character interaction OUTSIDE of the PC. We have NPC talking to each other about each other, further fleshing out the world.
    Along those lines comes in Diana Allers. I had no knowledge of anyone named Chobot beforehand (I don't follow IGN 'cause I happen to LIKE video games) so I treated her as another, albeit bland, character. To me, her role was to put Shepard in the spotlight. In previous games, Shepard acted covertly or was actively swept under the rug. Now, in ME3, Shepard represents the face of humanity and salvation for the entire universe. This change in dynamics was expressed in many ways, one of which being shoe-horned interviews. The player knew how much Shepard was being watched and what weight his/her actions had.
    That being said, after hearing about Chobot and all that, I'm left underwhelmed and view Diana Allers as stupid, unnecessary, and more than a little creepy. Thanks for that.
    As for the Reilly Controversy (yeah, I think I'll keeping calling it that for funsies), fear not. Now that you're on Bioware's radar, it'll only be a matter of time before they call you up and say that, yes, they did borrow your character ideas and then invite you to Bioware in Montreal and you'll meet the production crew and eat pizza and Garrus will show up on a spaceship and say "I need you to come with me!" Yup, OBVIOUSLY the only possible outcome.
    continued below... or above... i don't even know anymore.

    1. I also didn't know who Jessica Chobot was, now that I'm playing renegade I can kick her out of the Normandy with no fear :D

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. First time I did the final mission, I took Garrus and Tali. They were my favorite characters, Garrus was pretty much Shepard's best friend and Tali was his LI, and thinking that they would have a more significant role n the ending than they did, I figured that I wanted the characters I felt closest to to be with me when in my moment of victory.
    Second time I went through, I chose Javik and EDI, figuring that when they disappear in the final charge, EDI has a body on the Normandy, and Javik was going to commit suicide anyway, so I might as well take them, no guilt from leading anyone else to a likely death.
