Friday, April 27, 2012

Relay to Relay Radio: Wave 4

In this week's episode, we discuss decisions that maybe should have had more of an impact in Mass Effect 3 and tidbits about the universe that never made it into the final version of the games. With the release of the Resurgence Pack for multiplayer, we obviously had to spend all our credits on acquiring these new characters and playing the crap out of them. We talk about Krogan murder trains and the ridiculous Geth Infiltrator heavy melee. We also touch on the Kinect integration with Mass Effect 3 - we have ideas as to how BioWare can add DLC to encourage players to use the Kinect with their game.

We also take the time to honor some of our loyal listeners with a few shout outs and awkward compliments.

Finally, Galactic Action News 6 is back with exclusive coverage of Captain Cosmic's latest action figure, Grunt of the Tank, Flux's closure and a hanar painter's compassion.

We also share some of our listeners' most creative Mass Effect 3 multiplayer character names! Photos below.

Thank you so much to those of you who rated us on iTunes, and those of you that comment on this blog, and those of you that tweet your questions to us! Keep them coming!

WARNING: We still spoil all the Mass Effect games for you in this episode.

Relay 2 Relay Radio: Wave 4
Image sent from Mac Elmore

Steph's Krogan Guardian Angel

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Relay to Relay Radio: Wave 3

In this week's spoiler-ific episode, we talk about some of the more obscure storylines throughout the three games, including the bits about Joker's sister and Wrex's asari commando friend. As always, we discuss multiplayer strategies--this time in particular, our gold farming strategies that keep the geth at bay and the credits in our pockets. We also seem to feel the influence of Fornax as our jokes seem to reside in the gutter this time around, and don't want to leave.  We got Fornax'd.

Galactic Action News 6 is on a hiatus this week and will resume in Episode 4.

WARNING: Endgame spoilers in the "Theory O'Clock" portion of the show.

Relay 2 Relay Radio: Wave 3

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Relay to Relay Radio: Wave 2

In this week's episode, we debate obscure codex entries from Mass Effect (1), talk about Mass Effect cosplay (including our own endeavors), and Steph contemplates if Bioware was "directly inspired" by some of her fanart. We also discuss what we believe should be Bioware's next iOS app, and, as usual, talk about multiplayer strategies and imitate non-Council races.

Oh, and Galactic Action News 6. You know you crave it. This week, the geth break the boundaries of online gaming, rock goddess Zarina delivers a shocking blow to fans on Illium, and we say goodbye to a pioneer in hanar entertainment.

WARNING: Endgame spoilers in the "Theory O'Clock" portion of the show.

Relay 2 Relay Radio: Wave 2
Below are the images and links we refer to in our podcast (in sequence):

Video evidence of Team Banana Punch's krogan headbutt vs. Atlas strategy, courtesy of Rochelle, aka @Kakyokuhime.

Rana McAnear: The face of Samara/Morinth

Crabcat (yes they made that Grunt!): 

You can see more of their amazing work on their site:

The mystery Garrus cosplayer:

Denise's Kai Leng cosplay WIP:

Steph's sentry visor WIP: