Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Relay to Relay Radio: Wave 6

In this week's episode, we put ourselves into glass cases of emotion, sharing our most emotional moments in the Mass Effect trilogy. We also talk about a side mission in Mass Effect one that may have foreshadowed the final moments in Mass Effect 3. And on a completely different tangent, Steph presents us with a thought-provoking question about sanitation aboard Sovereign.

Galactic Action News 6 is on hiatus this week and will resume in Wave 7.

Finally, we tally up who the most popular squad mates were (thank you, listeners!) during the final assault in Mass Effect 3.

For those of you interested in partaking in the challenge we offered at the end of this wave, here is your link

WARNING: We continue to spoil the trilogy for you.

Relay 2 Relay Radio: Wave 6


  1. My most emotional moment in the ME series, and the first time I ever cried in a video game was during Thane's death, when you find out his last prayer was for Shepard. Although I lost Mordin earlier, he went on his own terms. Even though Thane keeps saying that he's got no regrets, on hearing that, I realized that he really didn't want to die before seeing Shepard, his friend, through the conflict. He was the first friend that the Reaper war "took" as opposed to Mordin, who went more or less voluntarily, and I wasn't really prepared for it, even though I knew it would happen sooner or later.
    Just my 2 cents, thought it was a really interesting section, the fact that it's even being talked about is a real credit to Bioware's storytelling and character development.

    1. Hi D240s, Thane's death, which immediately followed Mordin's, was heart-wrenching for me as well. My eyes were still watery from Mordin's sacrifice! I felt Thane was such a deep character as well--one of the best assassins in the universe, who tried to make amends w/ his son, and one of your loyal comrades. Thank you for sharing with us your glass case of emotion. (DK)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My most challenging moment, that I remember, was that last firefight in ME3 with the 100 banshees, since I was playing a soldier, sniping banshees is hard (and of course the black widow was my main source of high draining HP) and Kaidan and Liara kept diying so I couldn't bio explode at ease

    It's called Manifest and it's pretty cool :D. I did that too (the excel thing), Angelo, don't be ashamed XD

    I started as a human soldier too in the demo buuuut... it's pretty crappy outside of bronze, and that makes me sad :(

    Time getting Space Hamster: Not too much... I saw it and I got it :D

    I picked sinthesis because I didn't want to kill Legion, EDI and the Geth and I didn't pick destroy because it was the renegade option and I was playing my paragon. I didn't pick control because, even when control was blue paragon color, it felt wrong, because of the Illusive Man.

    Emotional moments:
    - Most emotional for me was Mordin's death, for sure.
    - Thane's posthumous message to femshep if you romanced him in ME2 is pretty good too.
    - But now that I hear all that Rannoch instanity (I remember from wave 1 when you talked about the quarians dying and Tali jumping to her death, but the killing Legion yourself? WTF) If I'd gone that way in my game, that would have been the worst for me, having to kill Legion and then listening to his 'Does this unit have a soul?' OMG :_(
    - And Tali, oh Tali. Even in my renegade playthrough I used the paragon interrupt in Tali's loyalty mission in ME2

    And I agree, Bioware did something powerful with this series, and that's one of the reasons I like it so much :)

    It was me who played with Kaidan, because I was trying to optimize powers ;P

    Das Maletitz by Faunts, I love that song. In my opinion, that's the best part about the ending :D

    1. Hi Synbios! We love reading all your comments on this blog, thanks for listening and following along w/ us as we explore all our feels for this game trilogy :D!!! Nate and Steph should read why you chose Synthesis so I don't feel like I created weird glowy people! I watched the video w/ Thane's message to femshep -- heartstrings, all of mine, PULLED.

      It's interesting how most of us look at Tali as our "younger sister", because when I started the series--I played ME2 first, then went back to ME1--I didn't see the character development as obviously as from when I played ME1, and talked to her more and took her on most of my missions. THEN when I got to 3 and she became an Admiral, I was a little proud of her!! And seeing her on Rannoch, showing where the window of her house would be, it was a precious moment.

      I don't even want to think about fighting a million banshees, I played Infiltrator and I spent most of my time cloaking and picking up heat clips from all the rooms T_T (DK)

  3. Let’s see if I can post this without utterly destroying your comment board…

    First off: Best. Bummer Blog. Ever. I will get back to that but awesome!

    Most challenging moment in Mass Effect? Fighting the vorcha on Omega for Mordin’s recruitment mission. Playing an Adept on Insanity without any upgrades blows mightily. Singularity does nothing against armor, had to rely on Warp. Carnifex only “long range” weapon and kept running out of ammo. Friggin’ rockets bearing down on me while that one krogan that said “hmm, plague? Naw, I’m cool with it” inching his way toward me. Thanks to the unskippable dialogue at the beginning (WE BREAK FANS!), I will punch every vorcha I run into on multiplayer. Forever.

    Also, couldn’t help but notice the highest N7 rank out there (according to Bioware) is over 5000. Angelo, is that you? *raised eyebrow*

    New objectives in multiplayer would be fun! The CTF idea’s good. I was thinking of destroying a hard target, something like that reactor on Legion’s recruitment mission. Also, if you really want to piss people off, ESCORT MISSIONS! Refugees running for a shuttle and you screaming at them the entire time!

    On a side note, who the hell would put a vorcha in charge of the Blood Pack. Wasn’t that an overgrown Krogan Clan?

    As for Saren’s living facilities, I think Bioware actually had an explanation about this! I believe Mordin discussed this kind of thing in ME2 but I can’t find the video on youtube. Anyway, Mordin’s studies on Collector technology revealed that, while powerful and effective, they were not ergonomic. The collector weaponry was indeed effective but not built for comfort, the user was never a consideration in its development. Therefore, Reapers could create rooms and hallways and guns for their thralls but never consider what would be best for them. Bottom line: Saren probably pooped in the corner.

    Regarding what Saren and Benezia did in all that time, I was going to suggest crazy end-of-the-universe sex but, after a moment’s brief reflection, realized this would be HORRIFYING! Imagine being in the middle of it and Sovereign going “WAIT, WHAT’S GOING ON IN HERE?!” or even worse “ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL!” You’re welcome.

    1. Most emotional moment? This is kind of a tricky one for me. In my first playthrough, I romanced Jack and was, therefore, utterly robbed. I woke up from the nightmare before the final mission utterly alone and my final conversation with her basically went “We should totally bone after this”. Very disappointing. So, while I have a hard time pointing at the most emotional moment, I will talk about a moment (or, rather, time period) where I felt very emotional: dealing with the Quarians. As soon as I ran into them and they told me they started a war with the Geth, my first reaction was “You did WHAT? The reapers are here and you’re dicking about the with geth?” Thank god Tali requested the private discussion in the cabin where she explains how against the war she was ‘cause I was about to yell at her the entire time. So they attack the Geth and the Geth got under Reaper control. Now I HAVE to help the Quarians. I’m still fuming as I enter the Geth dreadnaught, grumbling while shutting down everything. AND THEN, the Quarians open fire on the dreadnaught while I’m still in it! What the hell kind of allies are the Quarians supposed to be?! I went out of my way to help them while more relevant issues plague the galaxy and they almost kill me? Needles to say, when the Admirals met on the ship afterward, I was pulling the renegade trigger before the option even appeared. Then I proceeded to do everything I could possibly do before helping out on Rannoch. Props to Bioware for pissing me off.

      Having viewed all the possible outcomes on youtube, I feel like many of the most emotional moments require you to screw up somehow. The argument with Mordin in the Shroud has gotta be one of the most charged moments in the game. I wish I had it and then not shot him in the back, feel that’d be probably one of the best results (especially since I wasn’t entirely against the genophage but chickened out and Paragoned my way through).

      Finally, Reignite is amazing and I’ve listened to it a little too much for decency’s sake.

      Keep up the good work!

      -Keil Hal (aka: Ovalkeil Hal on xboxlive)

    2. Hi Keilhal! I seriously laughed out loud reading the bit about Saren pooping in the corner. I bet the geth walked over there, confused, shaking their heads. Lolol "assuming direct control" = Sovereign trollface.

      It sucks that all Jack said was "we should totally bone after this"--what the??? I'm glad she came back in 3, I didn't care much about her in 2, but that really sucks. Reminds me of how I romanced Miranda in 2 and I had to break up w/ her in 3 (Liara is my true love, lol), and because of that, she had to die.... but that was it.

      I have never really been a fan of the quarians, and especially after Legion's little "tron" mission in 3, I liked them even LESS. Of COURSE the geth were going to partner w/ the Reapers if they got ATTACKED--THEY'RE ONLY TRYING TO DEFEND THEMSELVES!! Silly quarians =_=

      In regards to the emotional moments, there were some tough decisions.... but it IS war, and there have to be sacrifices. For me, my most frustrating decision was the rachni queen vs. Aralekh Co. I saved the queen in 1, she says hi to me in 2, and then in 3 she GETS INDOCTRINATED AND HER BABIES ARE ATTACKING US FOREVER. Of course I don't trust her anymore, she can't defend herself! And besides, I love Grunt, so of course I'm going to go save his crew. This was frustrating not because it was a hard decision, but it was irritating for me to realize afterwards that even if you DIDN'T save the rachni queen in 1, you fight ravagers anyway. It was a letdown. Though, seeing Grunt be a badass was really cool and I'm glad he survived. And at the end, it's just a numbers game --> war assets.

      Like you, I did watch a lot of the outcomes and alternate scenes depending on decisions made by the players, but they weren't significantly different enough for me to want to replay the game, so, I don't plan on replaying it. Also, if I have to see Mordin die again I'm going to be a mess, lol.

      Brb while I go listen to Reignite again.


    3. Haha, I please to aim!

      You know, I think they were planning a much bigger role for Jack in ME3. If you look at her, she has much more character detailing than any of the other ME2 characters, even the ones you spend rather more time with. She even has weapon mounts on her back! I'm crossing my fingers for DLC 'cause... well, I just spent 15 minutes trying to find a motivational poster that appears to have disappeared. Disappointed.

      On the plus side, the quarians douche-baggery does make the best moment on Rannock much more awesome: telling the fleet to back down with the renegade option. "I'm Commander Shepard and I don't give a shit if you die. Your call."

      Good times all 'round.

      -Keil Hal
