Oh, and Galactic Action News 6. You know you crave it. This week, the geth break the boundaries of online gaming, rock goddess Zarina delivers a shocking blow to fans on Illium, and we say goodbye to a pioneer in hanar entertainment.
WARNING: Endgame spoilers in the "Theory O'Clock" portion of the show.
Relay 2 Relay Radio: Wave 2
Below are the images and links we refer to in our podcast (in sequence):
Video evidence of Team Banana Punch's krogan headbutt vs. Atlas strategy, courtesy of Rochelle, aka @Kakyokuhime.
Rana McAnear: The face of Samara/Morinth

(image via http://chrisfkn.deviantart.com/)
Crabcat (yes they made that Grunt!):
You can see more of their amazing work on their site: http://crabcat.tumblr.com
The mystery Garrus cosplayer:
Denise's Kai Leng cosplay WIP:
@Steph - That's too much of a coincidence. I'm all for storming Bioware and making them at least admit your art was the source of inspiration for those two characters (who were actually significant enough to have spoken lines).
ReplyDeleteYour confidence is appreciated, but I still just don't know what to believe. I'm all for taking a BiOWare vacation, though. :P
a coment on possible asari character: yes it would be Female or Female, but you could choose the father's race and then have different bonuses depending on that
ReplyDeleteAlso, Fake DLC: hilarious :D
An interesting idea! Especially given all the possible combinations!
You know, they could do another Mass Effect game in a sort of Dragon Age Origins fashion. Different playable races with different starting stories, stuff like that. The only tricky area would lie in the dialogue trees which would be horrifying. And voice actors, though you could get around that by using the same actor/actress for multiple races (i.e.: human female/asari or human male/turian/salarian/krogan-with-voice-modulation. Could be interesting?
ReplyDeleteAlso, while I feel I haven't really heard the conclusion to the Riley Controversy since I'm only on episode 2, I think you're totally right and you should feel awesome and such!
Looking forward to wasting time at work with you guys come Monday.
The dialogue has got to be the most grueling part, but I'm always a fan of whatever they can do to expand upon it. I thought Dragon Age 2 was a step in the right direction. As for the "Riley Controversy," the jury is still out on that one. You'll definitely hear from us if there are any developments.
This may seem like a stupid question, but how do you think Anderson died? Do you think he died by Shepard's hand when she/he shot him (well the Illusive Man made her do it). Do you think he bled to death. After replaying the end for the EC, I did not see a lot of blood on him. Thoughts?
ReplyDeleteLove your show!! Ellwyndara