Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Relay To Relay Radio: Wave 1

Relay to Relay Radio is live! Welcome to your new home for Mass Effect discussions, turian impressions, and fake galaxy news. Studies show that these three things will improve your quality of life. Join us on this adventure as we examine Mass Effect 3's indoctrination theory,  share vital multiplayer tactics for dedicated squads, and round up the best the fandom had to offer. We also discuss alternate outcomes and some of the game's "rare" plot twists. As this was our very first session, we apologize for the occasional echo and bouts of snortlaughs. We'd also like clarify that ExoGeni was NOT present on Peak 15, despite our insistence that they were. That was totally Feros. WARNING: This episode is riddled with spoilers.

Relay 2 Relay Radio Wave 1

Up Next: DLC speculation, our favorite fan creations, and meeting the face of Morinth/Samara. Also, Galactic News 6 with 80% more elcor.